
HGV Driver Registration.



Bank Details:

  • Faints, fits or blackouts
  • Back injury
  • Mental or nervous disorders
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Insulin treated diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
    • Yes No
    • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • I hereby declare that the above information is correct and I have read and understood all the above comments and will adhere to them at all times.


  • Yes No
  • I agree that the above provided information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge

  • a) Normally 9 hours but can extend to 10 hours twice a week
    b) Normally 8 hours but can extend to 9 hours twice a week
    c) Usually 9 or 10 hours but can extend to 11 hours if required
    d) Up to 8 hours but can extend to 10 hours if required
  • a) 5 hours driving time followed by 30 minute break
    b) 4 hours driving time followed by a 45 minute break
    c) 4.5 hours driving time followed by a 45 minute break
    d) 4.5 hours driving time followed by a 30 minute break
  • a) 0800 hours only
    b) 0500 hours but could start at 0400 hours if required
    c) 0600 hours if can legally reduce your break
    d) 0700 hours but could reduce to 0500 hours if necessary
  • (a) A period between 0000 hours Monday to 2400 Sunday
    (b) A period between 0800 hours Monday to 2359 Sunday
    (c) A period between 0000 hours Sunday to 2400 Saturday
  • (a) When you finish work
    (b) 18 hours
    (c) 24 hours
  • a) 80 hours
    b) 90 hours
    c) 95 hours
    d) 100 hours
  • a) 36 hours
    b) 45 hours
    c) 24 hours
  • a) 48 hours
    b) 50 hours
    c) 60 hours
  • a) 2300 - 0300
    b) 0100 - 0500
    c) 0000 - 0400
    d) 0030 - 0330
  • a) usually a 17 week period but an 18 week period once in each year
    b) usually 18 weeks
    c) usually 26 weeks
    d) usually an 18 week period but a 17 week period once a year
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • Yes No
  • a) 84 hours
    b) 60 hours
    c) 45 hours
    d) 48 hours
  • a) the transport manager
    b) You, the driver
    c) the security office
    d) the shunter
  • a) 40 mph
    b) 60 mph
    c) 30 mph
    d) 50 mph
  • a) no vehicles over 4.4m
    b) reduced headroom through the arch of the bridge
    c) available width of headroom indicated
    d) keep to the centre of the bridge
  • (please tick relevant box for which you have experience in)
    • Tramping
    • ADR
    • Coupling/Uncoupling
    • Car Transporter
    • Chains (Flatbed)
    • Container
    • Draw Bar (Wagon and Drag)
    • HIAB (Hook)
    • HIAB (Grab)
    • Live Stock
    • Low Loaders
    • Mixer (Cement)
    • Moffett
    • Multi Drop
    • Parcel Delivery
    • Ratchets (Straps)
    • Refrigeration
    • Removals
    • Roll On/Off
    • Rope/Sheet
    • Shunting
    • Skip
    • Steel
    • Tail Lift
    • Tautliner (Curtain Side)
    • Tanker
    • Tilt
    • Timber
    • Tippers
    • Vehicle Checks


  • I agree that I have given the correct information for my references and I give permission for Taylor Stevenson to contact all above references:


  • Yes No
  • I agree that I have read and understood the Information contained within this registration pack.


    • Multi Drop
    • Trunking
    • Tramping
    • Refrigeration/Chill
    • Store Deliveries
    • Handball
    • General Haulage
    • Furniture Delivery
    • ADR
    • Days
    • Nights
    • Afters
    • Early’s
    • Weekends
    • PAYE
    • Umbrella

  • I agree that I have read and understood the Information contained within this registration pack.


Should Taylor Stevenson Ltd contact you to offer you work, it is your responsibility to declare any work for other agencies or companies that might affect your availability for work under EU Driver Regulations and/or the Working Time Directive

I understand the requirements of drivers’ hours and tachograph legislation and the UK speed limits imposed for all classes of vehicles

I agree to inform you of any reason why I should not undertake the work required in respect of statutory rest, driving duty, etc.

I agree to return ALL tachograph charts / printouts used on [at] work within 42 days, as per the Driving Regulations.

I understand the operation of the vehicle and undertake to leave it in the condition in which it was taken out. I will complete a Driver’s Inspection Report.

I confirm, that in the event of the vehicle I am in charge of being issued with a fine and/or ANY cost incurred by Taylor Stevenson Ltd and/or the Client arising as a result of any driving related cost, damage, penalty and/or fines (including but not limited to parking fines and any PCN issued in respect of infringement of traffic rules or failure to pay the congestion charge) received either whilst I am working on behalf of the agency and/or client may be deducted from my wages.

I confirm that the information I have provided to the above questions are correct and understand my obligations.


This agreement is made between Taylor Stevenson Ltd whose registered office is situated at Unit 5, Shaw Wood Way, Doncaster, DN2 5TB

(hereinafter referred to as ‘TS’) which is an employment agency and employment business and the temporary worker.

In this agreement the following further definitions apply: -

‘Assignment’ means the period which the temporary worker is engaged to render service to A client.

‘Client’ means the person, firm or corporate body or hirer engaging the services of the temporary worker.

‘Working week’ means an average of 48 hours calculated over A 17-week reference period.

The Working Time Regulations 1998 provide that the Temporary worker shall not work on an assignment with a Client in excess of the Working Week unless the agency worker agrees in writing that this should not apply. The Temporary Worker hereby agrees that the Working Week limit shall not apply to the Assignment. The Temporary worker may end this agreement by giving Taylor Stevenson 4 weeks’ notice in writing.

For the avoidance of doubt any notice bringing this agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Temporary Worker of an assignment with a Client. .. (next page sign)

It is agreed that until terminated in writing as detailed above this agreement shall apply and remain in force for all assignments upon which the Temporary Worker is engaged and shall be deemed incorporated into any current and all subsequent agreements entered into by Taylor Stevenson with the Temporary Worker.


In order to allow us to do this as quickly as possible and to minimise disruption for yourself and any potential referees it would be of assistance if you would sign the authority below and return this this letter to our offices as soon as possible.

I (full name) hereby grant permission to Taylor Stevenson Ltd to provide work finding services on my behalf. I permit for any information required, including details of my current and/or previous employment and/or academic history from, where applicable, my previous and or current employers including, if applicable, Jobcentre Plus, Department for Work and Pensions, School or College.

Any such information obtained will be used strictly in accordance with the requirements of the ICO and the GDPR. For information on how we process your data please refer to your nearest

I confirm that the information I have provided to the above questions are correct and understand my obligations.


  • Accrue Holidays
  • Holidays Paid Out Weekly

I (full name) understand and confirm that when registering as a new agency worker with Taylor Stevenson, I was provided with, and had explained to me, two options on how to receive my holiday pay:

Option 1: To accrue holiday pay on my hours worked and to have this paid out to me when I take my annual leave. This accrual is based on a 52-week average at 12.07% in line with government directives

Option 2: To receive my holiday pay included with my hourly rate and for my holiday pay therefore to be paid out to me each week. My normal hourly rate without Holiday Pay will always be NMW or higher.

I have been informed and understand that option 1 detailed in this declaration is in line with the Working Time Regulations as a form of legal protection for me the agency worker, to ensure I take time off work.

Therefore, if I choose to receive my holiday pay in the form of option 2 outlined above, I will endeavour to, and take reasonable action to, ensure I utilise the money paid out to me each week to fund any annual leave taken, and I will make sure that I take adequate annual leave as I am entitled to.

Further to this, by signing this declaration I understand and have been made aware that should I receive my holiday pay included in my hourly rate, my holiday pay will still be shown on a separate line on my payslip to confirm that I have received my holiday pay entitlement.

I confirm that Taylor Stevenson had no invested interest in my decision to choose one holiday pay method above the other, these options have only been made available to me based on historical agency worker preferences and demand.

I also accept and confirm that should I not sign this declaration, or Taylor Stevenson are led to believe that I do not fully understand the options being presented, Taylor Stevenson will always process holiday pay in line with option 1 detailed above.

I confirm that the information I have provided to the above questions are correct and understand my obligations.



To ensure that you receive your payment on time, you must adhere to the instructions on the Payment Form enclosed. Please complete and return the Payment Form immediately to prevent any delay to payment. (Breaks will be unpaid unless notified before the assignment starts).

You must ensure your timesheet is completed and signed by the client in order to be paid correctly. Please assure you download your digital tachograph


The Company will comply with the employer pension duties concerning pension’s auto-enrolment in accordance with Part 1 of the Pensions Act 2008.You will be automatically enrolled into National Employment Savings Trust (“NEST”) scheme. If you do not opt-out of auto-enrolment, you will be required to make pension contributions at the level set out in the relevant legislation and you agree to the Employer deducting such contributions from your payments. Further information about your pension choices will be provided at the appropriate time.


Please be aware that it is your responsibility to ensure that your time sheet is completed in full, signed by the client, and reaches the branch by 12pm Tuesday to enable payment on the Friday of the same week. NB: Please use the branch fax number or your consultants email address for timesheets and then call the branch to confirm receipt.

Health Questionnaire

Whilst working with Taylor Stevenson Ltd we want to make sure you are content in your workplace. Should you have the misfortune of an accident or situation that cannot be comfortably dealt with by us, we would like to help in contacting those who can. Therefore, it is in your best interests that you complete and return the Health Questionnaire.

Health & Safety

This section details the rules and standards which relate to all employees at work. It is the responsibility of all to follow these rules and to behave in a safe manner. Deliberate contravention of these rules will be considered a breach of contract and, at the discretion of the management, can lead to summary dismissal.

Working Practices

  • • All machine guarding is to be in place and correctly adjusted, prior to machinery being used.
  • • No machine item of plant or equipment is to be operated by any person, unless they have been trained and are authorized to do so.
  • • Any fault, defect, including damage, or malfunction in any item of machinery is to be reported immediately.
  • • No machine plant or equipment is to be left unattended whilst in motion unless you are authorized to do so.
  • • No machine plant or equipment is to be cleaned whilst in motion unless authorized to do so.
  • • No repairs, maintenance or adjustments to machine plant or equipment are to be carried out, unless you are authorized to do so
  • • All substances are only to be used in accordance with written instructions.
  • • All substances are to be stored in accordance with the written instructions and are to be returned to the storage after use
  • • All hazard notices or warning signs displayed on the premises are to be obeyed.
  • • All notices displayed in the workplace are to be read and you are to ensure that you understand the instructions
  • • All safety equipment, signs, notices and facilities provided in the interests at Health & Safety and Welfare are to be used or followed and must not be misused or wilfully damaged.
  • • Protective clothing and safety equipment are to be stored in accordance with the instructions
  • • The work area is to be kept clean and tidy at all times
  • • All waste is to be disposed of in the correct container
  • • All liquid spillage is to be cleaned up immediately
  • • All emergency procedures relevant to your work area are to be obeyed
  • • Emergency exits, and equipment are not to be obstructed
  • • Any use or damage to firefighting equipment is to be reported immediately
  • • Prompt medical assistance must be sought for any injury received at work and the injury must be reported as soon as possible
  • • No operative is to attend site under the influence of alcohol or non-prescriptive drugs

Health & Safety Welfare

To help you understand some of the main Health, Safety & Welfare matters on site, please familiarize yourself with the common terms listed below.


Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. In terms you should make yourself aware of the risks that could cause you injury from the materials you are using from such things as fumes, burns etc and what equipment you should be issues with and wear when carrying out the work. Information should be provided by the client or marked on the product.


Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. In terms you are responsible to report any accidents that cause injuries or diseases or any dangerous occurrences, which could have led to injuries or diseases immediately to the client for recording in the site register, you must also report to your branch office.

Risk Assessments

Under the latest regulations the client is required to have evaluated the risks or hazards appertaining to the work you are carrying out. This information should be made available to you. You are also required to have evaluated all risk or hazards and to take all precautions possible to reduce or eliminate the risks or hazards involved.

Method Statements

Where identifiable risks or hazards exist in carrying out works then the client should issue a method statement as to how sections of work must be carried out (you should also satisfy yourself as to the accuracy of the statements. They will not eliminate you from your duties of responsibilities to carry out your work in a safe manner).

Manual Handling Regulations

Under the latest regulation’s guidance lines have been put in to reduce the number of injuries caused by lifting too heavy materials improperly. You should avoid lifting materials where there is a risk of injury. Additional help or mechanical assistance should be asked for. Think before you lift!

Holiday (applies to all operatives)

Please inform your local branch about any period of holiday you require so we can agree and organize the dates with our clients.

Holiday Pay (PAYE)

If you are paid via PAYE, you will receive holiday pay in accordance with the Working Time Directive (WTD) legislation. The WTD legislation currently states that all employees should receive 20 days paid holiday per annum based on working a 40hour week. For example, Permanent Employees holiday pay is generally accrued at 1.66 days per month. Therefore, in accordance with WTD legislation and to apply fair rule to all operatives, we calculate your holiday pay on your average basic pay rate and accrual of all basic hours from the day you commence an assignment. Therefore, for every 12 hours worked at basic rate, 1 hour’s holiday is accrued and paid at your average basic pay rate from commencement of assignment. Please note; your annual Holiday Accrual commences from your assignment start date.

Night Shifts & Weekends

Before commencing a shift during unsociable hours, make sure that the Health and Safety Practices and procedures are the same as those in a “normal” working day. Make sure that you know who the appointed health & safety representative is and that the procedure for reporting accidents and the fire evacuation procedures are the same. Try, wherever possible, to familiarise yourself with any differences regarding working night shifts, weekend or unsoable hours and consider factors such as visibility, availability of/access to resources.

Confirmation Slip:
  • (Must be Returned to Branch with All Paperwork)
  • I confirm that I have read and understood all the information contained within this registration pack and any doubts I may have, I have raised with my consultant.


Important Notes: Please upload all relevant right to work documents and all qualification cards/certificates:
Passport/Birth Certificiate/ EU ID Card:
choose file or drag and drop files here
Proof of national insurance:
choose file or drag and drop files here
Proof of UK Driving licence, CPC and Digi card: FRONT
choose file or drag and drop files here
Proof of UK Driving licence, CPC and Digi card: BACK
choose file or drag and drop files here
Other (i.e extra licences, cards, certificates):
choose file or drag and drop files here
Other (i.e extra licences, cards, certificates):
choose file or drag and drop files here